Lions Club of Waterford
March 15, 2025
Start Time:
1:00 pm
Use Form below
Check In, Parade Start:
Zeb's Petroleum
Aber & Milwaukee streets -
N. Milwaukee St. and Aber, West on Main St. then North on Second St. to the old firehouse parking lot.
St. Patrick's Day Parade: "Helping our Food Pantries"
Our local food banks are serving more than double the number of families since 2021, and they struggle to meet the need. They, and the people they serve, are being driven to the edge.
In Wisconsin alone, more than 415,000 people are facing hunger, including 161,000 children.
11 food categories rose more than 10% since 2021.
Then there are the looming cuts to SNAP benefits. When these emergency allotments end, households will see their benefits drop. This is where we and the community can come together and help out.
Benefiting Pantries include:
- St. Thomas Aquinas Food Pantry
- Caldwell United Methodist Food Pantry
- Community United Methodist Church
Items Desired
- Non-perishable food items
- Dish & laundry soap, toothbrushes & toothpaste, paper goods
- Cash donations always welcome
How can You Help?
Be a part of the parade with your Irish-themed float or your musical group lilting Irish tunes.
Prizes include: $200 for 1st place, $100 for 2nd place and $50 for 3rd place
2023 Parade Results
1st Place
Wood Chuck Willie
2nd Place
H2M2 Nation
3rd Place
Midwest Heating & Cooling
St. Patrick's Day is a favorite holiday in the U.S because of the million-plus Irish who came here to escape The Great Hunger. Now in our own Wisconsin communities, we are seeing a great deal of hunger. What better way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day than with a parade that fills some empty food pantry shelves, followed by a street party!